Banner Display Stands

We offer a number of Banner Display Stands to cater to various display purposes and the different types of Banners and Posters you have. Most of these Banner Stands can display Mounted Posters or PVC Banners of various sizes on 2 sides.

If you are displaying your Posters or Banners outdoors, you would need a more steady Banner Stand like the Clip Banner Stand. We have the Sand Base Banner Stand or the Water Base Banner Stand; available both in grey or black. These stands come with 2 clips for you to clip your Poster or Banner at the top and bottom. The clips are also designed in such a way that you can display your Posters or Banners front and back. These stands offer the most flexibility and value for money as you can also deploy them indoors.

For indoor use only, we have the Tripod Slot Banner Stand and the X Banner Stand. The Tripod Slot Banner Stand is lightweight but it functions like the Clip Banner Stand in that you can display Mounted Posters or Banners with it. It is also a 2-sided stand for displaying your Posters or Banners front and back. The X Banner Stand, however, is a stand-alone display stand which comes with the printed Banner display. It is very light weight and easy to carry around and set up.


Sand base Banner Stand
* Prices quoted in Singapore dollars.* We provide printing for posters or banners for the banner stand.* Design charged separately.  


Water base Banner Stand
* Prices quoted in Singapore dollars.* We provide printing for posters or banners for the banner stand.* Design charged separately.  


Tripod Banner Stand / Bunding stand
* Prices quoted in Singapore dollars.* We provide printing for posters or banners for the banner stand.* Design charged separately.  



X Banner
* Prices quoted in Singapore dollars.* We provide printing for posters or banners for the banner stand.* Design charged separately.


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